Bodhi Special Education Department & Private School
At Bodhi, we believe that each child has the ability to grow and develop further than what they may imagine if given the right tools and direction.
However difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do, and succeed at. It matters that you don't just give up. - Steven Hawking
Bodhi's Implementation of the 4 C's
Bodhi's Special Education Department BSED
Bodhi Community K12 is steeped in the belief that every child can learn, thrive, achieve, and succeed no matter their background, family dynamic, physical, emotional, social or cognitive limitations, and that every child deserves the opportunity to learn and grow in a positive, nurturing and supportive environment. Bodhi’s Special Education Department (BSED) was created because of the challenges we saw families encounter obtaining special services for their child or children. BSED’s implementation of the four C’s (Coordination, Collaboration, Communication, Customization) ensures that Bodhi’s Sped students will have the optimal learning experience and optimal opportunities for success.
BSED’s diligent coordination and communication with parents, case workers, service providers, insurance providers, government agencies, and/or other relevant entities ensure that the student’s needs are met more expeditiously. BSED’s collaboration with all members of the student’s special education team, in and out of the school setting, provide an open line of communication and flow of pertinent information so that each team member can make decisions that is in the best interest of the student without conflicting or contradicting one another. When all team members have the same objectives for the student, customization of the educational plan can be created for the student to optimize their learning, their successes, and their journey is that much richer.
Bodhi’s Special Education Department and Bodhi are committed to going above and beyond to provide all our students the best educational experience possible and that every child will learn, grow and be instilled with a lifelong love of learning.
Additional Documentation & Permissions
Department of Disability
Individual Education Plan
Bodhi needs an introduction to the student's DDD case worker so that we can coordinate services needed covered by insurance. We may also attend meetings to join the team effort in obtaining the goals for the student's needs.
Please email your student's IEP to admissions@bodhicommunity.org.